Equal Access Scholarship

£41,918 has been raised from 253 donors.

Equal Access Scholarships enable students seeking asylum to access a York education that would otherwise be out of reach. Each Scholarship provides an annual living costs bursary of £12,300 funded by donations, in addition to which the University provides a complete tuition fee waiver.

Asylum-seeking students cannot access student finance and are classed as overseas students, meaning they have to pay the higher overseas rate of tuition fees. Such barriers place any hope of higher education completely out of reach for many.

This has never been more important. Many recent recipients of the scholarship are from Ukraine and Afghanistan, and were forced to flee their homes in order to access an education that is vital for securing a better future for themselves, their families, and for many to then give back to their wider communities.

“The scholarship allowed me to concentrate on my studies and not have to think about other things I needed to carry by myself, where I ought to live and how to pay for my life. The scholarship is outstanding. It’s not good - it’s an excellent opportunity for people who have difficult situations in their life but still want to achieve their goals - to study or change their career. Because you never know what’s happening in people’s lives.”

Vitalina, Equal Access Scholarship recipient from Ukraine.

Vitalina is a mature student who began her studies at the University of York just 7 months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Vitalina worked in digital marketing before moving to the UK, and lived in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Thanks to the Equal Access Scholarship, Vitalina was able to enrol at York in September 2022 as she had hoped, studying in order to change her career to work in the environment and sustainability sector.

Additionally, thanks to the support of donors, 6 students fleeing Afghanistan have been supported since August 2021.

Every Equal Access Scholar has their own unique story, but all with a common core. They have all been forced to flee their homes, and thanks to the scholarship are able to access and make the most of a York education, bettering themselves for the future.

The University of York is a University of Sanctuary, seeking to be a safe place for refugees, asylum seekers and other people who have been forced to migrate while providing a world-class education to students from all backgrounds. The Equal Access Scholarship is one of the ways this is possible. You can play a part in this.

The only way we are able to offer any Equal Access Scholarships is thanks to donations from people like you.

Will you make a gift to support asylum seeking students this Giving Day?

Giving Day is a great time for us all to come together and continue to represent a place of welcome for all those with dreams of coming to York to study. Thank you.

Spread the word

9 months, 4 weeks ago
Harry Koutsolioutsos donated
10 months ago
An anonymous donor donated £20.00
10 months ago
An anonymous donor donated £5.00
10 months ago
Natalie Curran donated
10 months, 1 week ago
Rachel Iredale donated £30.00
10 months, 1 week ago
An anonymous donor donated £50.00

Equal Access Scholarship Challenges


    The Robin and Sue Perutz Challenge

If we receive 50 donations to the Equal Access Scholarship fund, Robin and Sue Perutz will donate £3,500 to Equal Access Scholarships.

253 donors